Ashes To Ashes Episode Guide

Modern Family full episode guide offers a synopsis for every episode in case you missed a show. Browse the list of episode titles to find summary recap you need to.

List of Ashes to Ashes episodes. A brutal gang murder leads the team to investigate a Europe- wide jewel smuggling ring. Keats completes his report on the department and tries to turn the team against Hunt and transfer them to his control, revealing his true colours.

  • Following the success of Cats Do Countdown earlier in the year, Jimmy Carr, Sean Lock and Jon Richardson once again take on the famous words and numbers quiz.
  • Mam’Mazibuko attempts to abduct one of the newborn twins, Selo confesses to murder and Mandlakazi is finally brought home. Watch Ashes To Ashes for the last week.

Alex goes to investigate a house in Lancashire which she believes holds the secret of Sam Tyler's disappearance. She uncovers a body in a field, and its warrant card reveals that it is a young Gene Hunt (and its ghost is the young PC haunting her).

Ashes To Ashes Episode Guide

Meanwhile, Chris, Ray and Shaz are given videos by Keats, which show them that they too are police officers who died in tragic circumstances. Following the successful foiling of the jewel smuggling attempt, Chris, Ray and Shaz move on to . Alex then comes to realize that she too is now dead; After Gene reconciles her to the fact she will never see her daughter again, Alex enters the pub. Gene Hunt remains in Limbo (the missing word ending in . Keats retreats to the shadows, having failed, but saying they will meet again. The episode ends as Hunt returns to his office to hear a new detective push through the doors asking .

The title character George Dixon was shot dead in an earlier film The Blue Lamp, despite the same character subsequently going on to star in the Dock Green TV series.

Ashes To Ashes series 3 episode 8 review: series finale Can we, before we get going, offer one piece of advice: if at all possible, watch the final episode of Ashes To Ashes again. As soon as you can. Such was the intensity of the final hour of the show, and the ultimate conclusion of the Gene Hunt story, that we found a second viewing enriched an already terrific episode still further, and helped deal with a proportion of the questions that we’d wager are spinning around in your head.

It also allowed us to pick back up on things that didn’t register so pertinently the first time round. Take the first ten minutes of the episode, and the clues are all there: Chris hears music. Shaz sees the screwdriver that she’s been stabbed with. Ray is grabbing his neck at one point. Boy, he was bang on the mark there.

The next 5. 0 minutes after that proved it. That second viewing too doesn’t half help too in wrapping your head around the two big questions that are floating around come the end credits rolling for the very last time: who is Gene Hunt, and who is DCI Jim Keats.

It seems easier to answer the latter first, given that it’s not long into the episode before Drake twigs that Keats isn’t all that he seems. And Daniel Mays’ performance gradually goes more and more off the chart as he becomes the devil- like figure that Internet speculators have been predicting he would be. At the very least, we’ll peg him as a hell hound, intent on taking the wandering souls of Shaz, Ray and Chris on one last elevator ride downwards (complete with lovely screaming sound effects in the background).

The devil tempts, after all, as does Keats as he tries to lure Alex Drake to his side. And let’s not forget too that the two police officers we’ve seen die in this series have both been in Keats’ arms as they've done so.

The death of Viv in episode six, and Keats’ reaction, makes a lot more sense right now. So where does that leave Gene? Is he a God- like figure? Given that he’s been in denial for the five series that we’ve known him, we’re going for the undercover guardian angel, watching over the key characters of the Ashes world, and eventually guiding them to their ultimate destination.

Even if he has been in denial about his role in everything in all the time we've known him. What all this also allows writer Matthew Graham to do is to turn the whole thrust of the series round. For three years of Ashes To Ashes, we’ve been following Alex Drake as she tries to discover why she’s been put in this world, and what she’s got to do with relation to Gene Hunt to get out of it. As it turned out, she had no job to do at all, short of reminding Hunt who he actually is. Instead, it’s Gene’s job to ultimately look after Alex.

We’ll come back to that shortly. Knockout. The episode’s opening set the tone wonderfully well, with about the most sinister game of It’s A Knockout we can remember sitting through (and we watched that gruesome one with the royal family in it, too).

But it’s from this springboard that a jam- packed episode gets down to business very, very quickly. We were surprised, for instance, at just how relatively speedily we got to the grave we were teased with last time, and the discovery that it’s Gene Hunt’s body sitting in it (although we did get a few minutes of very wounded Gene first, courtesy of Alex’s rejection of him the night before).

And as we tried to wrap our heads around that, the revelations just didn’t stop coming. Gene Hunt is dead! More to the point, Gene Hunt knew he was dead in his heart of hearts, yet hadn’t helped Drake in the same way he helped Sam Tyler! Yet as we thirsted a moment to tie those strands up, in came Jim Keats again, with the shackles very, very firmly off. His messing with the mind of Alex Drake gets turned up still further here, and while the three of them fight out a compelling battle of words, the focus soon shifts back to those three Betamax videotapes back at CID.

If our head was hurting already, it was soon going into overdrive. We meet Chris, Shaz and Ray appreciating that the world around them is changing, and they’re beginning to lose faith in the Guv himself (shame on them!). And as they try and wrap their heads around the inevitably quite muted crime of the week story, Ray both takes charge, and ultimately, takes the lead in discovering the truth about them all. Courtesy of three videotapes, out comes the shocking truth that’s been staring us in the face for years. Shaz, Chris and Ray?

They’re all dead. They’re inhabiting the same world as Sam Tyler and Alex Drake, and it’s brought home to them in devastating style. Ray's death in particular brought such a massive lump to our throats, fully explaining the underlying sadness to the character that's been there right from the start. Performance. Which is a good chance just to take a breather and acknowledge the quality of the acting. I’ve always loved Dean Andrews’ work in these series, and you have to say that he, Marshall Lancaster and Montserrat Lombard don’t put a foot wrong here. Keeley Hawes too is in blistering form as her world crumbles around her, pretty much breaking our hearts come the final scene (it's almost inconeivable now to recall just how criticised she and the character of Alex Drake were once upon a time), while Daniel Mays has been the find of the series.

But step forward Philip Glenister. His portrayal of Gene Hunt over these past five years has been utterly masterful. Yet here, he finds even more to invest in a character we’ve spent 3.

He absolutely smacks it out the park. Remember how haunted he looked in series two episode seven, when the revelations about Chris came out? Double it here. His dismantling and putting back together of his character in a flat- out hour was masterful work. Watch Crossroads Online Fandango. It’s the kind of acting performance that they invented award ceremonies to reward.

And it’d be criminal if his mantelpiece wasn’t groaning by this time next year. The same can be said for the writing team too, who in that scene with the three videotapes convey so much through so little. Arguably it’s a little too quick if you wanted to be picky, as given the weight of the revelations being banded around, an added moment to help them sink in and deal with the character’s reactions would have been appreciated.

Yet there was still so much more business to get through here, as the episode was far from done. That’s because, for the last time, we got to see Gene Hunt ultimately rally his troops, sending goosebumps along our arms as we realised that it’s something we’ll never see on the telly again. It almost brought a tear to the eye right there. There was little doubt that Chris, Ray and Shaz would come back to him, to be fair, but that’s beside the point. Because we got to see one last blag busted, one last set of bad guys sent down, and one more case solved by the gone- but- not- to- be- forgotten Fenchurch CID office.

Weight. And that’s when the episode got really, really heavy. Because as they walked to the pub to encounter The Railway Arms, it all of a sudden became clear what had to happen here, and it hit us like a slug to the guts. For there was Nelson, greeting them all as if we were still in the Life On Mars days. Only this time, Gene had led them there one very last time. You’d have to have a heart of stone, if you’ve followed Life On Mars and Ashes To Ashes from the start, not to be moved as they, in turn, said their final goodbyes and went through the doors, only to disappear in a subtle flash of light once they’d slammed shut.

It was desperately sad and quite brilliant in equal measure. And still we weren’t done. For the last revelation was saved for Alex Drake. Just how broken did Keeley Hawes look when she realised what Gene had known: that she was never going back to Molly? That she died at 9. It was a brilliantly handled moment of television, and the goosebumps were back as she too took her final walk into the pub. It was brilliant drama, and genuinely moving.