Intervention Season 8 Episode 15 Ashley

Most Disturbing Episodes. Her eyes, her bare feet, how the words coming out of her mouth mean something to her and nothing to anyone else. Sierras brain cannot deal with drugs. Donna shows up for this one in a big way. I dont think that any other interventionist could have done this intervention better than she did. Official Synopsis The daughter of a small business owner, Sierra was an honor student with dreams of college and a career in journalism. But when a double dealing artist charmed his way into her mothers life, he gambled away their home and the bottom fell out of Sierras world, leading to a frightening drug induced psychotic break. Today, the 1. 9 year old is a feral junkie, scrapping for a fix on the streets of Northern California. Original Air Date March 2. Watch the Leslie full episode from Season 3, Episode 10 of AEs series Intervention. Get more of your favorite full episodes only on AE. Duffy would have got her ass cut for spiking my drink,bitches like that piss me off. Watch Intervention Season 8 Episode 15 Ashley' title='Watch Intervention Season 8 Episode 15 Ashley' />Mother Nature Network is the worlds leading source for environmental news, advice on sustainable living, conservation and social responsibility. This is a list of episodes for Intervention, an American reality television program which aired on the AE Network since 2005. Each episode follows one or two. Interventionist Donna. Andrew. Age 1. 8Location Austin, Texas. Addiction Bulimia. Whats memorable So this kid submits himself to the show obviously lying about who is doing the submitting, convinces his parents to lie to the producers and pretend he wasnt the one who set the whole thing up, treats EVERYONE like shit, and then gets downright cruel when they actually expect him go to treatment. I understand the severity of his illness, but I just dont know how anyone can excuse the kind of behavior he exhibited during filming. He asked for his mother to talk to him alone during the intervention, then spent the whole time berating her and trying to make her feel bad. Girlllll I didnt see your post till now. You can just tell hes a master manipulator and has the whole family under his control. Its very, very disturbing. I was glad to see him get better, he was most certainly going to die of that disease, I just hope that he spends some significant time during recovery making active amends and looking hard at how he treats the people who love him. Official Synopsis In an Intervention first that reveals a surprising outcome, we reach out to 1. Find the latest TV recaps, photos, videos and clips, news and more on MSN TV. Reality TV World News, recaps, information, episode summaries, games, and discussion of all your favorite reality TV shows This article is the listing of all episodes of Gene Roddenberrys Andromeda. Each season consists of 22 episodes for a total of 110 episodes in five seasons. The sisters try to move forward after their dramatic dinner with Daddy. Tamar tries to clear the air with Daddy, but isnt ready to invite his wife to Vinces. Andrew who once dreamed of a military career, but now binges and purges up to 1. Original Air Date February 2. Interventionist Seth. Kimberly. Age 3. Location Elkhart, Indiana. Addiction Alcohol. Whats memorable The huge ass mansion she lives in while drinking herself to death everyday, the way her boyfriend thinks of addiction and of her as an asset to fix up and turn around like he does his properties, and his locking her up in the spare room for 3 days to detox her. Why is this episode on the Most Disturbing list The follow up. Just watch it. See the vacancy, the superficiality of the words, the complete lack of commitment. You know as soon as she starts talking into the camera that shes not staying sober for long. So damn awkward and real. Official Synopsis To the outside world, Kimberly lives a dream life in an extravagant mansion without a financial care in the world. But the dream is really a nightmare because Kimberly is an alcoholic with no limits. She lives with her boyfriend, who has locked her in a bedroom in an effort to stop her from drinking. Kimberlys father has written her off, but the family must come together or Kimberly will continue to drown her pain in alcohol. Original Air Date January 2. Interventionist Jeff. Tyler. Age 2. 6Location Salt Lake City, Utah. Addiction Alcohol and crack mostly, but also whatever else he can get, including heroin, meth, pain killers. Whats memorable I cant begin to imagine the guilt and pain that Tyler feels over his siblings overdoes deaths, considering he was the one who introduced them both to heroin, they died within weeks of each other, and he found them both. This is one of those where I have no problem at all understanding why the guy needs to numb out every day. Whats awful about that is that hes on his way to dying too, and if or when he goes his parents will have lost ALL of their children to drugs. So unimaginably tragic. Official Synopsis A gifted mechanic, Tyler, 2. Zach, and his sister, Ashley. Their father built the business to provide his children with a wonderful life. But the familys dreams turned to tragedy when Tyler found both Zach and Ashley dead from drug overdoses. Unable to cope with his loss, Tyler now fills his days with drugs and alcohol. Original Air Date May 2. Lana. Age 2. 4Location St. George, Utah. Addiction Alcohol Pain pills. Whats memorable Lana makes the Most Disturbing list on account of what happened to her only 6 months before the episode aired. I cant begin to imagine the feeling of watching yourself being raped for 5 hours on video and not knowing it ever happened she was drugged. I understand why the police showed her the tape, but I cant help but wonder how different things could have been if she didnt know it ever happened. I just dont know how I would feel in her situation. Its so upsetting to even think about. Also memorable the darling, sad little brother who takes care of her, her very decent family that just dont get it, the violent boyfriend, the sheer amount of wine she drinks. Official Synopsis Lana grew up in a family of 1. Despite this precarious start, Lana excelled in sports and was active in the church. But at 1. 8, Lana began to enter into dangerous relationships with men and started abusing drugs and alcohol. She was in two near fatal car accidents. And now, too make things even worse, she is in a relationship plagued by physical violence. Original Air Date February 2. Nicole. Age 3. 2Location Baltimore, Maryland. Addiction Dyspahsia not swallowing, also pain pills. Whats Memorable She hasnt swallowed food or liquid in 1. I mean seriously. Not even saliva. Thats disturbing enough, but her inability to swallow is a traumatized response to being forced to perform oral sex on her friends father when she was a child. The man who did is admitted to it, got probation, and still lives in her neighborhood, triggering her over and over. Watch The Cloth IMDB. Wizards Of Waverly Place: The Movie Movie Watch Online. Her parents did nothing when it happened. And now everyone just tells her she should get over it and move on, that shes just looking for attention. No one in her life seems to have any kind of sympathy for her, they just think shes disgusting. I mean she clearly needs help, shes very unhealthy, and shes been resistant to getting that help, but I just think that if her family could get a grip on WHY she is the way she is, and that she needs their support and not their judgment, she would be more willing to get better. Official synopsis After being molested as a child, Nicole developed an unusual eating disordershe was unable to swallow. By age 1. 6, she weighed just 6. The tube was supposed to be temporary, but 1. Nicole still relies on the tube and cant swallow any food or liquids. She also abuses prescription drugs and neglects her two daughters. Her husband plans to divorce her if she continues to neglect their children. Original Air Date December 2. Lawrence. Age 3. Location Las Vegas. Watch The Virginian HD 1080P. Addiction Alcohol vodkaWhats Memorable Oh man, the denial Lawrence was in is absolutely shocking. And, of course, the followup. Official synopsis Having graduated high school with academic and athletic honors, Lawrence, 3. But he was never able to dull the pain of emotional and physical abuse suffered in childhood. Alcohol took hold and Lawrence became a shell of his former self, often drinking a liter of vodka a day. A recent battle with cancer left him further weakened. Lawrences loved ones stage an intervention in the hope that this show of love and support will help Lawrence get the help he needs, and that by sharing his story he might help others. Original Air Date February 2. Emily. Age 2. 6Location Ohio. Addiction Anorexia, exercise. Whats Memorable How sick and frail her body is. How weird it is to see what she would look like if she wasnt Anorexic twin sister. The crazy food rituals. Official synopsis Emily, 2. Despite winning many academic and athletic honors, Emily suffered from depression and low self esteem, and her shameful feelings intensified when she became a date rape victim in college.