Showtime Full Muppets Most Wanted Online Free

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Greetings andor salutations, people Welcome to io9s occasionally weekly mail column, where I solve the mysteries of the world of nerddom to you, both fictional. The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and industry blogs. What Happens if Justice League Bombs Greetings andor salutations, people Welcome to io. I solve the mysteries of the world of nerd dom to you, both fictional and otherwise. This week What was Elektras deal in The Defenders Is an evil BB 8 droid a good thing or a bad thing And, most importantly, whos to blame for Game of Thrones season sevenShowtime Full Muppets Most Wanted Online FreeAnd dont forget to send your questions to postmanio. Untie the League Lys D. What happens if Justice League suck as bad as Batman v Superman does Do the other DC movies get scrappedAskMens Crush List, driven by reader votes, celebrates 99 women who are absolutely crushing it in 2016. 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Showtime Full Muppets Most Wanted Online Free' title='Showtime Full Muppets Most Wanted Online Free' />Do they try another new DC movie continuity, or do they have to wait a while so people dont get confused How long would it take for the taste of JL to wash out of peoples mouths Lets take a step back and remember that bomb is a relative term here. For all its faults, Batman v Superman made a ton of money8. The problem is that WB knows it could have made a lot more if it had been better, and fans had actually liked it. Then the studio miraculously got Wonder Woman right, so it knows that it has the power to make a true, Marvel Studios level superhero blockbuster, even if it has no real idea how it managed it. Since these movies still make money either way for now, theres no impetus for Warner Bros. To wonder if WB will reset the DC Extended Universe is to wonder if it actually has a cinematic universe in the first place. Aquaman is much too close to being finished for the WB to back out of now, and Wonder Woman 2 is as a safe a bet as there could be. But what does it actually have in the works thats even close to definitely getting made The next film on the schedule is Shazam in 2. Dwayne Johnsons Black Adam for his own film later. Watch How I Ended This Summer Online Hitfix. Neither Cyborg nor Green Lantern Corps. Cyborg has a starand theyre both ostensibly coming out in 2. Not likely. Now, heres all the DC films that Warner Bros. The Batman, which was originally announced in 2. Matt Reeves said he was completely starting the movie over from scratch this past summer. The Flash, which has had Ezra Miller attached to star since October 2. Flashpoint at this years San Diego Comic Con. Batgirl, by the suddenly less beloved Joss Whedon. Justice League Dark, which was announced in 2. Lobo, announced in 2. A Joker and Harley Quinn movie. A Nightwing movie. That insane gritty Elseworlds Joker origin movie from Martin Scorsese. Theoretically Black Adam, a Deadshot solo movie, and Suicide Squad 2. And theres always Man of Steel 2 and Justice League 2. All these movies were either announced so long ago that we have no reason to believe theyll actually get made in the next five years, or are so new that theres little chance theyll survive until gestation. Since 2. 01. 3, WB has made four DCEU films Man of Steel, Suicide Squad, Batman v Superman, and Wonder Woman. Do you really think all 1. Im guessing five, max, and itll take at least 1. Oh, and if somehow Justice League is a smash hit and everything gets greenlit Well, then Ben Affleck is still obviously, adorably desperate to abandon this nonsense, and Flashpoint almost certainly will, by its very name, reset the DC movie verse anyway. And then theres WBs astoundingly insane decision to maybe make DC superhero movies that arent in continuity with the rest of the films, for maximum audience confusion and absence of synergy. The bottom line is that WB is basically so terrified its going to screw these movies up again, that its waiting for Justice League and Aquaman to come out, and let the studio know if its on the right track or not. Until then and, if were being honest, probably long after then its going to keep throwing anything it can think of against the DC movie wall. The occasional movie will somehow come out, and no one can be sure if itll be part of the cobbled together Extended Universe or not. Not even Warner Bros. GRRM Warfare. About 8. People, Give or Take 1 Are Benioff and Weiss actually bad showrunners who have coasted on George R. R. Martins work Why was the decision made to shorten seasons seven and eight when the show could have clearly benefitted from more timeWill season eight have the same problems No. I know Weiss and Benioff have barely done anything else in Hollywood beyond Game of Thrones, which seems pretty incriminating. I also know that it feels like the two of them fully abandoned the books this season, and then calamity and problems immediately ensued. But lets remember that Weiss and Benioff have made six good to great seasons of Game of Thrones, and theres a hell of a lot more to showrunning than just putting the books onscreen. More importantly, the two have been going off script from the books from the very beginning, from that wonderful, iconic conversation between Cersei and Robert Baratheon in season one right through that magnificent season six finale where Cersei finally achieved everything on her vision board. They had run out of book material for various storylines starting back in season four, and yet we were good straight through six. Have poor choices been made this season Absolutely, but that brings us to2. I think is responsible for most of the seasons problems. More time would have allowed more characters more moments, more explanations for some of the bizarre things that happened see below, and just more breathing room to give the various storylines more weight. It still wouldnt have solved the godawful mess that was the Sansa Arya storyline, but it likely did mean Weiss and Benioff needed to figure out a way to kill Littlefinger sooner rather than later, and the only way they could think of to kill him with some drama was by turning Arya into a crazy person. As for who decided to shortened the seasons, I sincerely doubt Weiss and Benioff wanted to. Game of Thrones is their baby, and they knew they were in for a long haul, assuming the show didnt get canceled. I doubt they were bored right at the beginning of the series epic conclusion. Certainly HBO didnt want shortened seasons theyd be happy to run Game of Thrones until the heat death of the universe. That leaves the actors, and remember, seven years is a long time for an actor to play a single character, especially actors of the caliber of Lena Headey and Peter Dinklage. I bet anything Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke at minimum are dying to be done with it in order to move on to new projects.