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Why The X- Men Universe Is Better Than The MCUIn the era of comic book movie universes, the Marvel Cinematic Universe often overshadows the competition, with the DCEU coming in as a close second. But dating back to 2.

X- Menuniverse was actually the first to make a splash onto the big screen, truly coming into its own as a standalone franchise with 2. First Class. As Fox continues to press its characters into new territories, it appears mutantkind is turning over a new leaf.

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With New Mutants, Deadpool 2, and X- Men: Dark Phoenixall due out next year, new faces are keeping the series fresh in viewers’ minds. To date, Fox has released ten movies and a television series under the X- Men franchise. If you’re keeping count, that’s comparably far fewer than the sixteen films and six shows of the MCU. Although each title can’t claim to be a critical darling, Fox’s films have managed to rake in some healthy box offices sums over their seventeen year run and have taken considerably more risks.

With Marvel Studios facing more criticism than ever, Fox is looking to carve its own place in superhero movie history. So, in support of everything the X- Men franchise has offered us so far (confusing timelines and all), we’re taking a look at the 1. Reasons Why the X- Men Universe Is Better Than the MCU.

It Pioneered the Modern Comic Book Movie. In the mid- ’9. 0s, Marvel Entertainment Group found itself on the brink of financial ruin. The media juggernaut had filed for Chapter 1. As a last resort, they agreed to sell the exclusive movie rights of their X- Men characters to 2. Century Fox, brokering the deal which would lead to the first major comic book adaptation of the modern superhero movie era.

Prior to 2. 00. 0, the face of the comic book movie was primarily DC. Fans had familiarized themselves with Richard Donner’s Supermanand Tim Burton’s Batman, but a big ensemble cast of heroes still felt light years away. Although other comic book alum had crept their way into the mainstream with films like Bladeand Spawn, superheroes were still considered too unrealistic to break ground in a major way. What director Bryan Singer would do with X- Men permanently changed that outlook, grounding his cast in a real world setting that didn’t feel too distant from our own. It was the start of bigger productions branching out from Singer’s success, including such hits as Sam Raimi’s Spider- Mantrilogy as well as Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knightfilms. Visionary Directors.

Take a look at the long line of directors in the MCU and you’ll see a list of capable, well- rounded minds tossed aside for lesser known, like- minded names willing to go through the motions. The MCU has become largely formulaic, leaving little room for artistic vision behind the scenes, and although sticking to the script has worked so far for Marvel, it’s given Fox a slight edge with the X- Men universe. The de facto leader of the X- Men world since its inception has undeniably been Bryan Singer. Brought on board in 1. Wolverine as he’s recruited by Professor Xavier. Although Singer put together an eclectic cast for the first film, Matthew Vaughn went young with First Class, relaunching the series with fresh faces and a sleek new look. On the opposite side, James Mangold and Tim Miller brought an new edge to the fold, showing off a withering Wolverine and a wisecracking Wade Wilson in Loganand Deadpool respectively.

Although each movie in the X- Men universe hasn’t been a hit, its directors continually shake things up, something which cannot be said about the MCU. R- Rated Movies. In 2. Disney completed its acquisition of Marvel Entertainment, making the media conglomerate the primary distributor of MCU projects moving forward. The $4 billion purchase has since become a hot topic of debate, as some critics have labeled the MCU a victim of Disneyfication. Although Marvel has won plaudits since the merger thanks to Marvel Studios’ movies and television series as well as the effortless tie- ins Disney has afforded the company with comic book and merchandising sales, early indicators seem to suggest that Hollywood could be heading towards superhero fatigue.

One reason behind Marvel’s exhaustive outlook is unquestionably its cookie- cutter, nice guy approach to its superheroes. Unlike the MCU, the X- Men universe has departed from its kid- friendly approach with edgier, R- rated outings. The lower budget Deadpool reinvigorated Ryan Reynolds’ superhero career with gusto as he delivered smart- ass, pop culture jokes one after the other in typical fourth wall- breaking fashion. Meanwhile, the downtrodden Logan finally delivered the brutal depiction of Wolverine fans had always wanted, sending the character out on a high note with just the right touch of violence and maturity expected from one of Marvel’s most popular characters.

It Has a Higher Ceiling. At this point, the template for a Marvel Studios production could serve as a how- to guide for dummies looking to cash in on the superhero movie frenzy. The often cited “Marvel Formula” has become a guaranteed success for every MCU release thus far, but it’s kept the franchise in a bubble, remaining creatively stagnant to a degree.

On one hand, Marvel’s repetitive nature is quickly becoming the punchline to everyone’s joke. Watch The Sentinel Online. On the other, the MCU’s downsides will hopefully lead to a greater appreciation for the X- Men universe’s knack for risk- taking. Before 2. 01. 5, the R- rated superhero movie was a niche subgenre reserved for lesser known, gritty characters with an obsession for violence. Now with Deadpool and Logan earning top dollars at the box office, the trend is slowly becoming commonplace among studios. Although taking a plunge with each of its story lines increases Fox’s chances to crash and burn on big budget productions (we’re looking at you X- Men Origins: Wolverine), it also opens up the possibility to break ground in a market that’s filled to the brim with new releases each year. In the end, it’s better to fail because you took a chance than to fail because you played it too safe.

No Time Wasted On Setting Up Sequels. Although the MCU has rightfully been praised for bringing its heroes together, one of its fundamental flaws remains the studio’s need to set up sequels. Undoubtedly, fans are hyped when they spot an Easter egg, but it can feel like a major distraction when the story is completely interrupted to build up the studio’s next major outing. Fans got their fill of these moments when Tony Stark took time out of his schedule to talk to Nick Fury about the Avengers in Iron Man 2 or when Thor went on a epiphany- seeking solo mission to learn about the infinity stones in Age of Ultron. Say what you want about the baffling timeline and loosely constructed continuity, but the X- Men movies have never pushed one story aside to promote the next. The stories benefit from being wholly self- contained, which gives each narrative its own unique perspective on a range of topics.

In its seventeen years, the X- Men films have addressed issues ranging from subjugated minorities to problems surrounding immigration. These ideas are continually built upon thanks to the richness of the universe’s storytelling and its insistence on focusing on big themes, rather than setting up the future. Deaths Are Meaningful. Sixteen movies down, and the amount of memorable deaths in the MCU can still be counted on one hand. From the sheer multitude of stories, Marvel’s death tally should be higher, but instead, Fox has toppled the giant by taking risks and offing big name talent for the sake of keeping viewers arrested in anticipation. In The Last Stand, the first long- lasting effects of the X- Men universe were felt when Jean Grey was resurrected as the Dark Phoenix, calling Scott Summers to Alkali Lake and using his distress to kill him. Summers’ death, along with the apparent incineration of Professor X, would later prompt Wolverine to fatally stab Grey, which would inevitably haunt him throughout the events of The Wolverine.

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