Watch Here Alone Online Free 2016

By Keith Cowing on October 2. PM. . Comments"> Comments. NASA Internal Memo: Next Steps for WFIRST Program"I have reviewed the findings of the independent review team and have accepted them.

As a result, I believe reductions in scope and complexity are needed. I am directing the Goddard Space Flight Center to study modifying the current WFIRST design, the design that was reviewed by the WIETR, to reduce cost and complexity sufficient to have a cost estimate consistent with the $3. B cost target set at the beginning of Phase A.".

Categories: Astronomy, Space & Planetary Science. By Keith Cowing on October 2. PM. . Comments"> Comments. Keith's note: Despite fears that NASA will be muzzled when it comes to climate change - as has been observed at other agencies - NASA seems to be staying the course - for now. Categories: Earth Science.

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Watch Here Alone Online Free 2016

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By Keith Cowing on October 1. PM. . Comments"> Comments. Survey: Americans Support Entrepreneurs in Space But Want Improvements on Earth, Brodeur Partners "The new poll of more than 6.

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Americans' attitudes toward business in space was conducted earlier this month by the Brodeur Partners' Space Group. The new survey found that Americans: - Still see national security as the top space activity; - At the same time, they support private sector activity in space; - However, they want some degree of government regulation, especially privacy protection; - And they expect space development to directly benefit Earth; and- Think the U. S. is a leader, if not the leader, in space technology."Americans still view space technology through the old lens of defense and national security," said Jerry Johnson, a partner at Brodeur Partners and author of the study. But we also found that there is support for commercial activity in space, even government funding for that activity, if those businesses are reasonably regulated and can demonstrate benefits on Earth."Keith's note: Once or twice a year someone does a space poll that says the same things that all of these space polls always say: people like space. Of course, this poll will be cited by those who see validation for their stances on space and will be ignored by those whose viewpoints are not strongly supported.

Based on the press release (that's all that has been released) you can pretty much project whatever you want upon the poll and also extract whatever you want from it. Watch AVP: Alien Vs. Predator Online Forbes. We have no idea who paid for this poll, who the pollsters talked to, how they did the poll (phone, writing) or all of the questions the participants were actually asked. So .. your mileage may vary. Yawn. . . . Categories: Commercialization. By Keith Cowing on October 1.

PM. . Comments"> Comments. Categories: Commercialization. By Keith Cowing on October 1. PM. . Comments"> Comments. NASA Human Space Exploration: Integration Approach Presents Challenges to Oversight and Independence, GAO"The approach that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is using to integrate its three human spaceflight programs into one system ready for launch offers some benefits, but it also introduces oversight challenges.

To manage and integrate the three programs- -the Space Launch System (SLS) vehicle; the Orion crew capsule; and supporting ground systems (EGS)- - NASA's Exploration Systems Development (ESD) organization is using a more streamlined approach than has been used with other programs, and officials GAO spoke with believe that this approach provides cost savings and greater efficiency. However, GAO found two key challenges to the approach: - The approach makes it difficult to assess progress against cost and schedule baselines.

SLS and EGS are baselined only to the first test flight. In May 2. 01. 4, GAO recommended that NASA baseline the programs' cost and schedule beyond the first test flight. NASA has not implemented these recommendations nor does it plan to; hence, it is contractually obligating billions of dollars for capabilities for the second flight and beyond without establishing baselines necessary to measure program performance.- The approach has dual- hatted positions, with individuals in two programmatic engineering and safety roles also performing oversight of those areas. These dual roles subject the technical authorities to cost and schedule pressures that potentially impair their independence. The Columbia Accident Investigation Board found in 2. Space Shuttle accident."- Previous SLS posts.

Keith's note: At the end of this report is a response from NASA HEOMD AA Bill Gerstenmaier. If you want to understand why NASA is clueless as to what SLS/Orion costs, just read this. Small wonder NASA has no idea what things actually cost. The'd rather just mix everything together to make it harder to understand those costs - and they do so deliberately.

Tick Tock "NASA regularly balances available funding with the flight manifest within the context of the Agency's overall exploration objectives. NASA's programmatic decisions are based on optimizing acquisition stratedes and resource allocations (material, people, funding) across multiple missions to ensure efficient implementation of deep space exploration objectives that take several flights to accomplish. NASA believes it has the processes in place to provide stakeholders insight to cost, schedule, and risks that accord with ESD's nature as a multimission space transportation infrastructure. Cost estimates and expenditures are available for future missions; however, these costs must be derived from the data and are not directly available. This was done by design to lower NASA's expenditures.

NASA docs not think that structuring acquisition and implementation to ease accounting on a mission- by- mission basis is prudent as it would result in higher overall program costs and is not in keeping with the nature of the program.". Categories: SLS and Orion. By Keith Cowing on October 1. AM. . Comments"> Comments. OIG: NASA's Efforts to Improve the Agency's Information Technology Governance"In the 4 years since issuance of our IT governance report and the 3 years since completion of its own internal review, the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) has made insufficient progress to improve NASA's IT governance, casting doubt on the office's ability to effectively oversee the Agency's IT assets. Specifically, the NASA Chief Information Officer (CIO) continues to have limited visibility into IT investments across the Agency and the process NASA developed to correct this shortcoming is flawed. Despite these efforts, the OCIO's insight into and control over the bulk of the Agency's nearly $1.

IT funding remains limited .. IT budget limits the Agency's ability to consolidate IT expenditures, realize cost savings, and drive improvements in the delivery of IT services. Agency's current enterprise architecture remains immature after a decade- long effort, a situation that contributes to the undisciplined manner in which NASA makes IT investments. Moreover, despite changes to two of the Agency's three top- level IT governance boards, IT managers across the Agency remain unsure of board functions and their decision making processes and the boards have yet to make strategic decisions that substantively impact how IT at NASA is managed. In addition, as of August 2. NASA's IT governance structure have not been finalized by the OCIO - one of the most basic and critical pieces of the Agency's Business Services Assessment (BSA) Implementation Plan.

Lingering confusion about security roles coupled with poor IT inventory practices continues to negatively impact NASA's security posture. Finally, the OCIO continues to exercise limited ability to influence IT management within the Mission Directorates and Centers due to the autonomous nature of NASA operations and the office's lack of credibility on IT issues in the eyes of its customers.". Categories: IT/Web. By Keith Cowing on October 1. PM. . Comments"> Comments.