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USA/medals/Terrorism-Service.jpg' alt='Watch Medal Of Victory Online Medal Of Victory Full Movie Online' title='Watch Medal Of Victory Online Medal Of Victory Full Movie Online' />Besides the MAAF members below, keep in mind atheists in foxholes whose stories have been in feature stories and documentaries Pat Tillman, Afghanistan war Army Ranger and football player, Hans Kasten, WWII POW leader, Phil Paulson, Vietnam Veteran and activist, Kurt Vonnegut, WWII POW and author, Ted Williams, WWII Veteran and baseball player, Ernest Hemingway, WWI Vet and author, Sherwin Wine, Founder of Humanistic Judaism, Major Sidney Excell, who arrested Heinrich Himmler, Bob Kerrey, former Governor and Senator, Navy Seal, and Medal of Honor recipient. If you are in Washington, DC, you may want to honor Atheists in Foxholes with a visit to Arlington Cemetery. MAAF provides a Cemetery Tour to known gravesites. Also consider visiting the Monument to Atheists in Foxholes in Talladega, AL. MAAF has thousands of members, and this list is only a small subset of those who have chosen to speak out publicly. Member information is strictly confidential unless a member explicitly requests public recognition. If you would like to have your name listed here on this page, Join MAAF for a template and instructions. MAAF is not affiliated with the Department of Defense or any government agency. Statements by individuals on the site are personal in nature and not representative of the Do. D or any government agency unless otherwise noted. The list of Atheists in Foxholes is over 2. Army National Guard Specialist Joseph Couch. Specialty Aviation Operations. Dates of Service 2. There is no afterlife this life is all we have. While some may think this is reason never to endanger oneself in the military I believe they are wrong. Headlines from the network and other sources, as well as downloads of trailers and clips. I enlisted to help people so that they can live their lives. Whether I help by rebuilding after a tornado, assisting pilots on a safe mission, or someday helping negotiate peace, its always better to work for something than to pray for it. Return to Top. Air Force Major Chris Lehto. Specialty F1. 6 pilot. Dates of Service 2. Decorations 2 air medals, all others standard 2xmeritorious service, commendation, korea defense etc. Tours of duty Balad, Iraq 0. Medal-Of-Honor-Torrent-screenshots-2-747x375.jpg' alt='Watch Medal Of Victory Online Medal Of Victory Full Movie Online' title='Watch Medal Of Victory Online Medal Of Victory Full Movie Online' />I applaud the ground fighters. They should do whatever they need to do for their difficult jobs. Watch Bobby Deerfield Online Forbes. Especially the guys and girls standing in US uniforms in broad daylight in combat zones. If they need prayer and chaplains to help them so be it. But if it was me I wouldnt ask for it because I am an atheist and cant bring myself to believe in a christian god. I also dont believe in unicorns, santa claus gasp, and the 4,2. But I am tired of bowing my head in prayer at every dinner function, change of command ceremony, and military function. A class graduates most of them do by the way and I have to bow my head and thank the lord for giving them the strength to get through this tough course. Of course if something did happen and someone did die then I would also have to bow my head in prayer for them not getting through the course I dont get it, but fine you can believe whatever imaginary thing you want. I believe a founding principle of this country is freedom from religious persecution. The first sentence of the First amendment says United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion. And yet because I am a military member and have to attend military functions I have to listen to religious invocation after invocation. I have great respect for the young men and women who have openly said they are atheists. I had atheist as my religion on my military records and then changed it. I was up for promotion and thought atheist would skew judgement. I only wish I had more courage to come out earlier and be more vocal like you guys. There is not a single open atheist in congress of any level of government state and above. There is not a single secular chaplain. And yet over 2. 0 of the general population, and of the military, claim no religious affiliation. I urge you to stand up for your beliefs and make it known that we exist, and that we are dedicated to making a positive influence on this world through moral and right acts, based on reasoning and human compassion, not ancient archaic beliefs. And yes we are in the military. Return to Top. Air Force Senior Airman Christopher Aviles. Specialty Security Forces. Dates of Service June 2. Present. Decorations AF Outstanding Unit Award 2devices,AF Good Conduct Medal,National Defense Service Medal,Global War On Terrorism Expeditionary Medal,Global War on Terrorism Service Medal,Humanitarian Service Medal,Air Force Expeditionary Service Ribbon with Gold Border,AF Longevity Service,AF Training Ribbon. Tours of duty Operation Enduring Freedom, Al Dhafra AB 2. Growing up I was told I was a Catholic, but was never taught the Bible or knew what was being said in Church. I have always followed my own secular belief which involved science which includes peer reviewed empirical evidence, logic, reason, and humanitarianism. Haunted Full Movie In English. I came out as an Atheist when I was deployed and took the time to research and inform myself of the questions I had about the world. I realized simply, that my way of life, was shared by others called atheisthumanist. The quickest path to confirming my atheism was simply reading the Bible and the horrible things their God invokes. Ever since then the realization of the majority of Christians, along with other religions, are living their lives based on a book they have never read shook me. The idea of faith, which is belief without evidence or good reason, has always been a revolting notion. And I have been doing my part in freeing minds by education ever since. Im good without any gods, and will continue to serve proudly in every aspect. Return to Top. Texas State Defense Forces Petty Officer 3rd Class Michael Marotta. Personal Site. Dates of Service November 2. Decorations Regional Basic Orientation Training Ribbon, Physical Fitness Ribbon. Tours of duty Camp Swift, Bastrop, Texas. Serving in Texas State Defense Forces. Watch Dancing Across Borders Full Movie'>Watch Dancing Across Borders Full Movie. Return to Top. Army National Guard Specialist Richard Cotter. Specialty Medic. Decorations New York State Defense of Liberty Medal, Duty in Aid to Civil Authorities Medal. Return to Top. Army Major Keira Brennan. Specialty Civil AffairsChemical Corps. Dates of Service 1. Decorations Bronze Star, Joint Service Commendation, ARCOM, AAM, Humanitarian Service Medal, Kosovo Campaign Medal, Afghanistan Campaign, NATO Campaign Medal, Basic Parachutist Badge, USAF Space Operations Badge. Tours of duty SOCEUR 2. ISAF 2. 00. 7 2. KFOR 2. My journey from a theistic life started in 2. I had been in the closet my entire life and coming to grips with my identity Bisexual female married to a woman meant exploring what life looked like not having to feel shamed or being bad because of some invisible divine mandate. The sham of religion and contempt of the military Chaplaincy started in 2. Afghanistan where a co located units Bn Chaplain showed how contemptible Christians can to both a unit, a civilian population and mission. Further unraveling of my belief came in a 2. Egypt where I saw just how much Christian liturgies and ancient religions are basically the same and all arguments to the contrary fail. As a retiree I want to support the younger generation of service members and recapture what Madison said about religion. Strongly guarded as is the separation between religion and Government in the Constitution of the United States the danger of encroachment by Ecclesiastical Bodies, may be illustrated by precedents already furnished in their short history. Detached Memoranda, circa 1.