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Features plot summary, cast and crew details, trivia, goofs, photos, and links to external review sites. On July 20, 2012, a mass shooting occurred inside a Century 16 movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, during a midnight screening of the film The Dark Knight Rises.

Watch live streams by Yamgo to view Sports, News, Bollywood, Fashion, Music and Entertainment. On Yamgo you can watch free TV channels online. Older female elk become so good at avoiding hunters they are 'virtually bulletproof,' researchers find After they turn 10 years old, they are 'nearly invulnerable to. Watch funny videos and video clips at Our editors find the best funny videos, clips and pictures for you to watch right now.

Aurora shooting - Wikipedia. On July 2. 0, 2. 01. Century 1. 6movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, during a midnight screening of the film The Dark Knight Rises. Justice League Of America Season 1 Episode 1 on this page. A gunman, dressed in tactical clothing, set off tear gas grenades and shot into the audience with multiple firearms.

Twelve people were killed and 7. United States[3] until the Las Vegas shooting five years later on October 1, 2. The incident was the deadliest shooting in Colorado since the Columbine High School massacre in 1. The sole assailant, James Eagan Holmes, was arrested in his car outside the cinema minutes later. Prior to the shooting, Holmes rigged his apartment with homemade explosives, which were defused by a bomb squad a day after the shooting. The shooting prompted an increase in security at movie theaters across the U. S. that were screening the same film, in fear of copycat crimes.

The shooting also led to a spike in gun sales in Colorado as well as political debates about gun control in the United States. Holmes confessed to the shooting but pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity.

Watch Bulletproof Online Bulletproof Full Movie Online

Arapahoe County prosecutors sought the death penalty for Holmes. The trial began on April 2. He was convicted of 2. July 1. 6. On August 7, he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. On August 2. 6, he was given twelve life sentences; one for every person he killed in addition to 3,3.

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Details[edit]Shooting[edit]The shooting occurred in Theater 9 at the Century 1. Cinemark), located at the Town Center at Aurora shopping mall[5] at 1. E. Alameda Avenue.[6] Police said Holmes bought a ticket, entered the theater, and sat in the front row. About 2. 0 minutes into the film, he left the building through an emergency exit door, which he propped open with a plastic tablecloth holder.[7] There were about 4. Holmes then went to his car, which was parked near the exit door, changed into protective clothing, and retrieved his guns.[9][1. About 3. 0 minutes into the film, police say, around 1. He was dressed in black and wore a gas mask, a load- bearing vest (not to be confused with a bulletproof vest), a ballistic helmet, bullet- resistantleggings, a bullet- resistant throat protector, a groin protector, and tactical gloves.[1.

He was also listening to techno music through a set of headphones so the reactions in the theater could not be heard.[1. Initially, few in the audience considered Holmes to be a threat. According to witnesses, he appeared to be wearing a costume, like other audience members who had dressed up for the screening. Some believed he was playing a prank,[1. It was said he threw two canisters emitting a gas or smoke, partially obscuring the audience members' vision, making their throats and skin itch, and causing eye irritation.[1. He then fired a 1.

Remington 8. 70 Express Tactical shotgun, first at the ceiling and then at the audience. He also fired a Smith & Wesson M& P1. Finally, he fired a Glock 2. He shot first to the back of the room, and then toward people in the aisles.[1. A bullet passed through the wall and hit three people in the adjacent theater 8, which was screening the same film.[2][5] Witnesses said the multiplex's fire alarm system began sounding soon after the attack began and staff told people in Theater 8 to evacuate.[2. One witness said she was hesitant to leave because someone yelled that someone was shooting in the lobby.[2.

Holmes fired 7. 6 shots in the theater: six from the shotgun, 6. Police response[edit]The first phone calls to emergency services via 9- 1- 1 were made at 1. Police arrived within 9. Some people reported the shooting via Twitter or text messaging rather than calling the police; officers were already at the theater when tweets were sent.[1. Sgt. Stephen Redfearn, one of the first police officers on the scene, chose not to wait for ambulances and sent victims to area hospitals in squad cars.[2. About 1. 2: 4. 5 a. Jason Oviatt apprehended Holmes[1.

He was initially mistaken for another police officer because of the tactical clothing he was wearing.[2. He was described as being calm and "disconnected" during his arrest.[2.

According to two federal officials, he had dyed his hair red and called himself "the Joker", although authorities later declined to confirm this.[3. Three days later, at his first court appearance in Centennial, Colorado, Holmes had reddish- orange hair.[3. The officers found several firearms in the theater and inside the car, including another Glock 2. He was also carrying a first aid kit and spike strips, which he later admitted in an interview he planned to use if police shot at or chased him.[3. Following his arrest, Holmes was initially jailed at Arapahoe County Detention Center, under suicide watch.[3. The police interviewed more than 2.

Speaking on behalf of himself and FBI agent James Yacone, who was in charge of the investigation, Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said he was confident that the shooter acted alone.[2. Explosive devices[edit]When apprehended, Holmes told the police he had booby- trapped his apartment with explosive devices before heading to the movie theater.[1. Police then evacuated five buildings surrounding his Aurora residence, about 8 km (5 mi) north of the cinema.[3. The apartment complex is limited to University of Colorado Medical Center students, patients, and employees.[3. One day after the shooting, officials disarmed an explosive device wired to the apartment's front entrance, allowing a remotely controlled robot to enter and disable other explosives.[4.

The apartment held more than 3. L (3. 0 US gal) of gasoline.[4. Neighbors reported loud music from the apartment around midnight on the night of the massacre, and one went to his door to tell him she was calling the police; she said the door seemed to be unlocked, but she chose not to open it.[4. A police official said a Batman mask was found in the apartment.[4. On July 2. 3, police finished collecting evidence from the apartment.[4. Two days later, residents were allowed to return to the four surrounding buildings, and six days later, residents were allowed to move back into the formerly booby- trapped building.[4. Casualties[edit]Eighty- two casualties were reported.[4.

Seventy were hit by bullets, reported by mainstream news as the most victims of any mass shooting in United States history.[5. This figure would not be surpassed until the 2. Orlando nightclub shooting, which killed 4. Four people's eyes were irritated by the tear gas grenades, while eight others injured themselves while fleeing the theater.[2] The massacre was the deadliest shooting in Colorado since the Columbine High School massacre on April 2. Fatalities[edit]Ten victims died at the scene and two more in local hospitals. Four of the victims — Jonathan Blunk, John Larimer, Matt Mc.

Quinn, and Alexander Teves — died protecting their girlfriends.[5. Gordon Cowden died saving the life of his daughter and her friend. The fatalities were: [5. Jonathan Blunk, age 2.

Alexander J. Boik, age 1. Jesse Childress, age 2.

Gordon Cowden, age 5. Jessica Ghawi (a. Jessica Redfield[5. Toronto Eaton Centre shooting[6. John Larimer, age 2. Matt Mc. Quinn, age 2. Micayla Medek, age 2.

Veronica Moser- Sullivan, age 6, shot four times, including in the chest (fatally), limbs, and lower right side[6. Alex Sullivan, age 2.

Alexander C. Teves, age 2. Rebecca Wingo, age 3.

Old female elk get so smart they are 'bulletproof'Female elk in Canada have become so good at avoiding hunters they are  'nearly invulnerable' once they reach the age of ten, researchers have found. Researchers studied animals in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada and found they learnt a series of measure to keep themselves safe. The older female elk reduced their movement and used safer grounds, and were even clever enough to differentiate between bow and rifle hunting seasons and alter their behaviour accordingly. The older female elk reduced their movement and used safer grounds, and were even clever enough to differentiate between bow and rifle hunting seasons and alter their behaviour accordingly, the researchers discovered'Elk learn to become shy as they get older,' University of Alberta biologist Mark Boyce told the Edmonton Journal. 'The magic number is 1. Boyce. 'After this age threshold, female elk become almost bulletproof, virtually invulnerable to hunting.' 'They hunker down in the deep forest and stay in rugged terrain. Those types of behaviours were very effective (for survival) in heavily hunted areas.'Researchers fitted 4. Alberta and British Columbia, Canada with GPS radiocollars, and tracked them for 2- 4 years. The data included distance traveled with time, terrain ruggedness (slope), and forest cover. They found female elk learned behaviours that helped them better avoid hunters with each hunting season. Male elk tend to live for only four or five years in Alberta because of their bold behaviour and hunters' preference for bull elk, Boyce said. Their short lifespans meant they were not part of the study. The researchers found that the older elk adjusted their behavior, suggesting that learning plays a role in shaping their avoidance of hunters. Specifically, older female elk reduced their movement rates, thereby reducing their detectability and so the likelihood of encountering human hunters. Researchers fitted 4.

Alberta and British Columbia, Canada with GPS radiocollars, and tracked them for 2- 4 years. In addition, older female elk increased their use of safer grounds - - rugged terrain and forest - - when they were near roads, where the likelihood of being spotted by hunters is highest. The researchers also found that elk could differentiate between bow and rifle hunters. Older females used rugged terrain more during the season for bow hunting than during that for rifle hunting, presumably reflecting the fact that bow hunters need to stalk their prey closely and this is more difficult on slopes. Rifle hunters, in contrast, can shoot over distances of up to 3. This work may have implications for managers trying to impose behaviors on animals through learning; even a low risk, suggest the researchers, could induce avoidance behavior in more experienced individuals.